Eczema in Babies: 6 Best Treatments

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Updated:
eczema in babies

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Is your baby’s skin looking red and sore, and does he seem to want to scratch all the time? He may be suffering from eczema. Before you panic-dial the pediatrician, relax and take a deep breath. Eczema in babies is a common condition that affects 10% of all children under the age of 5.

Eczema is a general name that refers to several inflammatory skin conditions. Atopic dermatitis is used interchangeably with eczema. It may affect different parts of the body, but it’s most common on the cheeks, arms, legs, and behind the ears.

Eczema is neither life-threatening nor contagious. However, it can cause incredible pain and discomfort to the baby, depending on its severity. Some babies only experience mild symptoms. Sometimes, the symptoms are so severe that the baby needs to be put on a strict diet and medication.

What Causes Eczema in Babies?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and severe inflammatory condition. It occurs when the immune system overworks to get rid of an irritant within or on the surface of the body. Kids whose family has a history of eczema are more likely to suffer from it.

Ezcema is triggered by certain conditions in the environment, such as perfumes, detergents, and specific foods such as gluten. Atopic dermatitis may get better with age. Conversely, it can sometimes flare up and get worse in certain seasons.

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with certain substances. Dyshidrotic eczema affects the feet and the hands while foot and hand scalp eczema, also known as cradle cap in infants, affects the baby’s scalp.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Eczema?

Eczema in babies is hard to miss, it comes with great discomfort on the baby. Rashes may appear on a baby’s body for various reasons. Sometimes, it’s an allergic reaction that goes away after a little while. Too much heat could also cause the baby to have rashes on their body.

Diseases such as measles and chickenpox also present in the form of rashes and sores on the baby’s skin. Insect bites may also cause the baby’s skin to form red rashes, and they may also be itchy. So, how do you tell its eczema and not a different and possibly more serious condition?

Atopic dermatitis in babies presents in dry and flaky rashes around the face and feet. The skin appears red and raw in the affected areas. The baby’s skin is also very itchy, and it may break out and bleed when scratched. This is because the skin is also very sensitive and peels easily.

There may be cracks behind the ears, and the open sores ooze with liquid.

What Is The Best Treatment For Eczema?

Eczema can be extremely feral, but even the wildest of them all can be tamed. Before using any medication, try these natural treatments for eczema in babies.

Identify and Eliminate The Trigger

Eczema treatment for children should begin with identifying any external factors that may be triggering the reactions.

Once the baby is out of the womb, his sensitive skin may react to the harsh environmental elements. Some of the environmental triggers are pollen, and perfumes used on detergents, baby oil, or soap. Some babies may react to the fabric on their clothes and beddings.

Some fabrics, such as wool, are too rough and too fluffy, and they can trigger eczema flare-ups. Tight clothing may also be making the baby too hot, making eczema in babies worse.

Some babies may also react to certain foods causing their skin to break out in rashes. For younger babies, such as eczema in a three-month-old baby, may be caused by the mother’s diet.

Once the major trigger has been found, the eczema treatment for children will be easier and fruitful. Keep the baby in lighter and softer clothes. Change the baby’s and the mother’s diet to suit the baby’s needs.

 Keep the baby’s off hypoallergenic foods that may be triggering these reactions.

Use Aloe Vera Gel

Derived from the succulent leaves of the aloe plant, aloe vera gel is an excellent source of eczema relief in children. It’s 99% water, which makes it mild and tolerable on sore skin. For its soothing aspects, aloe vera gel is one of the best natural solutions for eczema in babies.

Aloe vera gel has antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities that will prevent skin infections on the breakouts. It helps in boosting the compromised immune system and supports the healing of the skin. 

A skin that is prone to eczema is sensitive, and any harsh substances should not be used on it. If you buy processed aloe vera gel, ensure that it has no additives, especially alcohol and strong scents. Raw, unprocessed aloe vera is the best. It may sting a bit when used, but the stinging is only for a moment.

Coconut Oil

The best baby eczema coconut oil is the cold-pressed coconut oil. Cold-pressed coconut oil is the purest form since it is made without heat. It is a natural moisturizer with hydrating qualities that help soothe the baby’s skin and prevent dryness.

Its antibacterial properties also aid in keeping infections at bay.

Washing With Luke-Warm Water

A lukewarm bath helps curb the skin’s dryness and reduce itching. Test the water with your elbow to ensure that it’s not hot. Hot water will scald an already sensitive skin.

The baby may be sore and uncomfortable. If you’re wondering how to wash the baby’s face with eczema, the first rule is not to use harsh soaps. Just plain water will do or use a medicated soap as directed by the pediatrician.

Give The Baby An Oatmeal Birth

Oatmeal is not only good for increasing breast milk production; it’s also a welcome rescue for your baby’s eczema symptoms.

Oatmeal is an easy remedy as there’s likely to be a box of oats in every home. Put the oats in the baby’s bathwater and make a runny paste. You can add some baking soda in the water as well.

Let the baby soak in the oatmeal water for about 30 minutes. Gently rub him with a soft cloth to ease the discomfort. Rinse the baby with lukewarm water.

Oats have soothing properties that give relief to the baby. If you’re searching for how to stop eczema itching in babies, you found your answer. 

Use Humidifiers

In the dry seasons, dry air can make eczema worse as it tends to dry out the skin as well. Dry skin will flake more and cause more inflammation, worsening eczema in babies.

Using a humidifier in the home keeps the house warm and with the right amount of air moisture to offer relief to the baby.

Foods That Cause Eczema in Babies

Eczema in babies who have already been weaned may be triggered by certain food items. Check to see if your baby’s eczema flares up after these foods. Some of the symptoms may not show up until after a couple of days, while others may be more instant.

If your baby is prone to eczema, keep a chart of all the food they consume to know which one is causing the most chaos. The foods can be introduced when the baby is older. In most cases, they outgrow allergies as they grow older.

Dairy Products

Dairy products contain allergens that trigger reactions in most people. If your baby develops rashes after taking cow’s milk or all of its derivatives, you have found your culprit.

Eliminate all other products such as butter, ghee, yogurt, and even ice-cream. Use cow milk alternatives such as rice milk or almond milk.


A high percentage of eczema in babies cases flares up when the baby eats eggs. Eggs have a very high protein content that the body that is already battling an auto-immune disorder interprets as foreign.

The protein causes the immune system to overwork to eliminate it, leading to more severe flare-ups.


The gluten in wheat is bad for your waistline, your digestion, and now, for your baby’s eczema.

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, barley, or rye. This protein causes an allergic reaction as the body’s immune system tries to get rid of it. 

Any food item that contains any of these ingredients should be tossed to the side until the baby can eat them without breaking out. Alternatives such as oats or corn flour can be sued instead.


Nuts are healthy and good for you. But they might also be the reason your baby is always scratching himself and having breakouts.

Peanuts, cashew nuts, and other types of nuts have a high protein content which causes allergic reactions when consumed.


Soy is also known to be highly hypoallergenic. Soymilk, soybeans, and any food item in it should be eliminated when to control the inflammation.

Best Natural Eczema Cream For Babies

The scratching can be hard on your baby. Imagine having a never-ending itch that you can’t reach or ask for help. One sure answer on how to stop eczema itching in babies faster is by use of creams. Some creams are mild and made from natural ingredients to help soothe the baby’s skin.

Aveeno baby eczema therapy moisturizing cream is one of the best natural eczema creams formulated to tackle eczema in babies. Formulated from oatmeal, it helps in soothing dry and itchy skin by giving it back the moisture it needs.

This cream is recommended by pediatricians for children due to its mildness.

Cetaphil baby moisturizing cream is also good for eczema in babies. Cetaphil can also be used as a body wash and as a lotion. It’s good for the baby’s body and hair since it is not harsh, and it improves the baby’s skin by reducing dryness and itchiness.

Baby Eczema, When To See A Doctor

If all the natural remedies are not working and the baby is still in considerable discomfort, you need to see a doctor for further tests and medication. Do not buy over the counter drugs for the baby since every baby’s needs are different.

Sometimes, the baby’s eczema can be so bad that the skin gets infected. If the baby’s skin is hot and inflamed and has blisters and boils, an infection is setting in. The baby may also develop a fever due to the infection.

In such a case, the baby needs to be seen by a doctor. If there is nothing else the baby is suffering from, a mild antibiotic such as cephalexin can be used. Using cephalexin oral antibiotic for eczema is common and is administered at the onset of the signs of an infection.

Does Childhood Eczema Go Away?

Baby eczema doesn’t last forever. In most cases, eczema in babies goes away by the time the baby is 5 years old. By this time, the baby’s immune system has developed significantly, and it can fight off allergens easily.

Some genetic allergies may go all the way to adulthood.

Final words

Eczema in babies is not fun when you’re dealing with it. But with information and the right products, even the worst of them can be managed. Be careful where you source the creams and the lotions.

Release the gas pedal on the steroids. They work like magic, but they can also cause a rise in blood sugar. If your doctor recommends a steroid, apply it very sparingly on the affected area and do not exceed his recommendations.

As with everything else in baby care, do not overdo the atopic dermatitis management. Your baby should not be living in a sterile bubble. Some of these reactions eventually work to make the baby’s immunity stronger.

The most important thing is that your baby’s suffering is eased. Itching, scratching, and screaming are ingredients for a frustrated and exhausted mother. The discomfort makes for challenging motherhood.

Keep the baby’s skin moisturized and loosen their clothes for aeration. You might need more patience and diligence than the average mom, but you got this.

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